Fashion industry has been facing many big issues every year. Despite a continuous efforts from people in fashion industry, there are still some issues left unsolved and more issues are coming to surface. Let’s find out what are the big issues that fashion industry are facing in 2019.

Labour Issues
Labour issues in fashion industry has come to surface for a long time already including poor working conditions and overworked, underpaid or underage employees in developing countries. Another issue is labour trafficking which is to sell labours to a workplace, and 50% of trafficked victims turned out to be children.
Discrimination Against Race and Culture
In 2018, some international brands showed their discrimination against race and culture. A prime example is H&M’s monkey sweatshirt worn by a black child. Another example is a video campaign released by Dolce and Gabbana which offended Chinese consumers due to its stereotypes over Chinese. Obviously, these examples are discrimination and the two brands faced backlash from the public.
Sustainability is another big issue not only for a fashion industry because fashion is known as one of the most polluting industries in the world. This is because a whole supply chain since when it is produced and it is sold cause pollution. While producing cotton, a large amount of water is used, which can cause drought. Aside from production, much textile is due to public consumption of fast fashion. Although many brands are trying to incorporate more sustainable practices into their existing businesses, it’s hardly proving.