Looking back my previous years at the college, I have gone through a lot of assignments and projects related to fashion marketing. During the first year of my college life, I wanted a fashion journalist that had been my dream job for the past years. I liked to read a fashion magazine since I was young, and I found myself admiring fashion editors and enjoying writing. However, I got to be unsure about the job since the industry changes together with technology. Fewer people read. The development of technology has brought real-time information via social media. People like to watch a video or swipe photos rather than to read. Also, ordinary people can be media who publish information. Thus, it is very competitive for traditional media to compete with new media. This is why I do not longer want to be a journalist.
Now I want to be a stylist or a visual merchandiser. During the last year at college, I have observed a career opportunity based on my interests and skills. My interests are photography, videography, content design, styling, and display. I developed my abilities based on my interests to meet both my interests and skills, which is essential when selecting a job. For styling, I have made lookbooks and videos to show my styling and content design skills. For visual merchandising, I designed window displays and contributed display ideas to some events at college. Through my experiences from events and research, I found that people are more conscious of visuals than before. They like to see visually appealing things and share them on social media. Hence, I think a stylist and a visual merchandiser are promising jobs since they focus on things to be seen.